Diabetes symptoms | Signs of all types of diabetes
Diabetes mellitus type 2 is one of the most common type of diabetes that we see nowadays and it is creating so much problems so you need to know what are the symptoms of pre-diabetic conditions of diabetes type 2 so if you want to know all these things stay tuned and watch this video all the true because I'm going to tell you the real symptoms of diabetes type 2 that you should take care of
symptom number 1 frequent urination and circadian addition is occurred because of you have high blood glucose level in your body and your cell is trying to get rid of all those high blood glucose and for that they are putting it in the urine and try to get rid of it that's why frequent urination occurs but that's a weird thing because all the time if you have the tendency of Leuven ation mostly during the ninth times and that's definitely a bad sign and definitely a first type of symptoms that is going to come during diabetes type 2
Symptom number 2 is excessive thirst and that's kind of very logical because if you have urination quite often in that case your body need to replenish the water that is going out with you that's
why you need to take a lot of water from outside and it is associated with that so urination and excessive thirst are the very basic be diabetic symptoms that you should take care.
Symptom number 3 weight loss no weight loss way that's great but actually not in this kind of weight loss means it's a medical problem and because of if you have high glucose level you still not getting that glucose inside and as a result your body's trying to cope up with the situation to break down the proteins that will present in your muscle that's why your muscle becomes very thinner that's not a good sign.
Symptom number 4 increased hunger you know hunger is good appetite is also good but you know or once you looking at hamburgers you're eating five or six at a time and that's not a good thing that means you something weird is happening with you and you need to consult your doctor immediately.
Symptom number five Ichi skin skin conditions can kind of start with changes you have this diabetic symptoms in your body you don't need to know why but you are going to get some kind of patches in unique like this dark patches in your neck area as well as in your armpit not at all a good sign even if you rub them they are not going to come off.
Symptom number six slow healing slow means very very slow if you have a simple scar in your hands or leg or somewhere neroon they take many many times when many duration to actually kill.
symptom number seven irritability and fatigue and it is extensively related with this type of a diabetic conditions because you are getting irritated and excessively tired after small work and that's not a cool thing you know that may lead to several different types of problems you knowfamily and other things and that is definitely one of these.
Symptom number eight is blurry vision due to accumulation of high blood glucose level it's time to change your shape of your lens of your eye that's definitely not good sign for you to drive or to certain things Dilton number nine tingling and numbness of your arm and foot you feel very numb in all these conditions and it is due to the problem with your nerve and that because they be kind of hamper your nerve it can kind of hamper your blood vessels and kind of everything in your body so if you have this symptom so whatever symptoms have I've been telling you please consult with your doctor because that's very much necessary to prevent diabetes at the very early stage. Take Care your Self
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