
Showing posts from July, 2021

Diabetes and the body

In this film we're going to explain how your body processes the food you eat in order to provide all your body cells with the energy they need, and also what happens when you have diabetes and this system doesn't work properly. When you eat food that contains carbohydrate it's broken down in the stomach and digestive system into glucose, which is a type of sugar. sugar. We need glucose from food because that's what gives us energy.Carbohydrate containing foods are things like starchy foods, sugary foods, milk, and some dairy products and fruit. This glucose then moves into the bloodstream and the body detects that the blood glucose level is rising. In response to that the pancreas, which is a little gland that sits just underneath the stomach, starts to release a hormone called insulin and it's insulin that helps our body get the energy from the food we eat. The blood stream then takes the glucose and the insulin to every cell in our body that needs it. To make this...

Diabetes symptoms | Signs of all types of diabetes

Diabetes mellitus type 2 is one of the most common type of diabetes that we see nowadays and it is creating so much problems so you need to know what are the symptoms of pre-diabetic conditions of diabetes type 2 so if you want to know all these things stay tuned and watch this video all the true because I'm going to tell you the real symptoms of diabetes type 2 that you should take care of symptom number 1 frequent urination and circadian addition is occurred because of you have high blood glucose level in your body and your cell is trying to get rid of all those high blood glucose and for that they are putting it in the urine and try to get rid of it that's why frequent urination occurs but that's a weird thing because all the time if you have the tendency of Leuven ation mostly during the ninth times and that's definitely a bad sign and definitely a first type of symptoms that is going to come during diabetes type 2 Symptom number 2 is excessive thirst and that...

How to Manage Diabetes with Yoga?

Hi, today we are talking on  diabetes diabetes is a degenerative  disease it is going to affect the whole  system every organ of our body suffers  because of diabetes there are two types  of diabetes one when you are born with  that juvenile and you can't do anything  except supplying insulin to your body so  every time insulin shots are given or  this is the only management other type  of diabetes is called as stress diabetes  that's the diabetes which comes after  the age of 30 40 50 and so on where our  lifestyle is very much responsible we  somehow live a life which is more  stressful life we are having a long  sitting and so many wrong things we do  alcohol smoking and so on and the whole  body suffers because of that diabetes  sets in so let's understand what we  should do regularly to prevent and to  manage diabetes first is walking we  believe a lot Yogi's would always s...

Diabetes and Heart Disease: Healthy Eating with Diabetes

Hi my name is dawn Cain I'm a registered dietitian with the Harold censer diabetes health center at Oregon Health and Science University today I'm going to talk to you a little bit about diabetes and heart disease healthy eating with diabetes we'll begin by just talking about diabetes and heart disease heart disease is the major chronic complication and leading cause of death for people with diabetes the impact of diabetes and heart disease is such that having diabetes is an independent risk factor for getting heart disease so today we're gonna be talking specifically about healthy eating with diabetes healthy eating with diabetes and heart disease is a little bit beyond the scope of what I'm gonna cover today I think at a certain point in this video montage you'll be able to listen to a dietitian talk to you specifically about heart eating healthy eating for heart disease today we're going to focus on diabetes and blood sugar control so hopefully at the end...

5 Best Foods for Diabetes Control | Best Diet Tips

  Hi, Diabetes is one of the rapidly growing global disease number of people having diabetes  has grown from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. Diabetes is the major cause  of blindness, kidney failure, heart issues, stroke and lower limb amputation. Controlling  the blood sugar level is primary task of diabetic patients. Sugar enters our blood stream from  the food we consume and food control is the major factor in controlling the diabetes. Here are some excellent food which one must consume to manage the diabetes. Number one,  green leafy Vegetables Green leafy vegetables are low in calories and are low in carbohydrates  hence. They keep blood sugar level in balance. They are rich in fiber hence they help with  absorption of sugar in right face. One must consume spinach methi leaves and drumstick  leaves in their regular meals. Among all green leafy vegetables, drumstick leaves have proven  to really reduce the diabetes. They ...